Talent Management

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labelArticles today2023.05.11.

Orchestrating Workforce Ecosystems

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? As the nature of work and the workforce continues to evolve rapidly, organizations must adapt their management practices to effectively orchestrate a complex ecosystem of internal and external contributors. A recent report by MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte offers practical strategies for managing this multifaceted ...

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labelArticles today2023.02.19.

Is your AI truly unbiased?

Mihaly Nagy, Partner, Head of Content, The HR Congress WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? Artificial Intelligence tools have the potential to help people professionals to boost productivity, efficiency and reliability. However, AI in HR is a simple as plug and play — there are serious risks and drawbacks that companies need ...

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labelArticles today2023.01.23.

Agenda for 2023 

 Organizations With More Owners and Fewer Renters    By David C Forman, Author of Fearless HR and Fearless Talent Choices   WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?  The one thing we know about 2023 it is that we don’t know much at all.  Will it be the Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle?  ...

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labelArticles today2023.01.23.

The Reverse Trifecta  

The Key to Operationalizing Meaningful Business Impacts   By David C Forman, Author of Fearless HR and Fearless Talent Choices   WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?  The Reverse Trifecta identifies meaningful  business impacts and then the capabilities in the workplace and skills in the workforce that support these desired outcomes.  The ...

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labelArticles today2022.11.21.

The Trifecta

  By David C Forman, Author of Fearless HR and Fearless Talent Choices   WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?  “Take away our 30 best people and Microsoft becomes an ordinary company.” – Bill Gates.  Winning the race to bring in the best people is not enough. You also need to bring ...

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labelArticles today2022.09.07.

How can we manage a radical transformation towards livable, sustainable and creative organizations?

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?Good organizations combine a vibrant and creative life energy with human values, social responsibility and efficient production. To do this, we must go beyond the purely profit-oriented and methodical-analytical “engineering” approach and develop new principles There are many suggestions: Bigger visions! Greener Goals! Stronger leadership! Improved structures, ...

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