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labelArticles today2022.08.29.

Why and How People Work: Generational Similarities and Differences to Tailor Work

Published on August 23, 2022   Dave Ulrich- Rensis Likert Professor of Business, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Leading others is a subtle art. It requires connecting around common values to build mutual understanding while also appreciating differences to personalize a relationship. Effective business and HR leaders get ...

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labelArticles today2022.08.18.

The LinkedIn Cherrypick

Mihaly Nagy – Partner, Head of Content, The HR Congress I love LinkedIn, a fantastic platform to pick up original ideas and thinking. The only disadvantage is, because of just the sheer flow of information available, it is so easy to miss something great and important in our feed. I ...

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labelArticles today2022.08.15.

What does the metaverse mean for the future of work?

By Mark Mortensen, Associate Professor, INSEAD WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? “As with any kind of revolutionary technology, the metaverse should be approached with a healthy amount of caution, but there’s also room for exploration of an entirely new world of work.” Did you know that George Jetson’s birthday was supposedly last month ...

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labelArticles today2022.07.05.

Keeping Score: Recalibrating Your Organization

By David C Forman, bestselling author “Fearless Talent Choices” WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? Organizations, just like inhabitants of the natural world, must continue to adapt to the conditions around them. If not, they will wither away and be supplanted. In this article, Dave Forman presents 17 dimensions that can comprise ...

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labelArticles today2022.05.03.

A Playbook for the Culture Agenda: Why, What, and How

  Dave Ulrich- Rensis Likert Professor of Business, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan The study of culture is not new. In a classic book, anthropologists A. L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn identified 164 definitions of culture . . . in 1952! The study of organizational culture has also received enormous ...

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labelArticles today2022.04.20.

The Future of HR: Reflections on What’s Next

  Dave Ulrich- Rensis Likert Professor of Business, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Marc Effron – President, Talent Strategy Group We can’t relive the past, but we can learn from it to create our future. The past two years of unprecedented work challenges (COVID pandemic, social injustice, digital ...

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labelArticles today2022.03.25.

HR’s raison d’être—making sense of the next best things in people operations

By Dr. Lisbeth Claus, Professor Emerita of Management & Global HR at Willamette University WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?There are considerable time gaps between HR research/HR practice and HR innovation/HR implementation particularly when it comes to the cataclysmic changes that have disrupted our ‘normal’ ways of doing things. This opinion piece ...

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