Re-craft your performance strategy for an agile world

today 2021.05.11.my_locationOnline - On Demand


Re-craft your performance strategy for an agile world

A moment of change has arrived, and with it has emerged a new wave of practices that define and shape the way we manage our people. We’ve realised (or perhaps, re-discovered) that human connection is at the centre of our workplace and we cannot achieve our potential, individually or collectively, without ensuring we maintain that connection in a more dispersed world. HR has (now more than ever) a responsibility and opportunity to build diverse, inclusive cultures where employees can experience a culture that inspires.

Greater focus on wellbeing and the employee experience must now take centre stage, to ensure our employees enjoy a positive experience, regardless of the circumstance of their work. However, can these initiatives work in isolation and have a sustainable impact, when arguably the greatest cornerstone of your experience is how you are managed?

Performance management sits at the heart of both the employee’s experience and indeed their wellbeing. As such, can we really address our employees experience and wellbeing without addressing our fundamental approach to managing their performance, their career, their growth, development and indeed their aspirations?

Join Aisling and Julian, as they explore practical steps to accelerate your journey into re-imagining the world of work. Lean how to harness the power of understanding and crafting experiences at work, to better understand what keeps employees fulfilled, how to redesign processes accordingly and how to boost belonging and performance.

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Opening Remarks

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Reimagining Performance Management for an Agile World

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The changing HR agenda: new ways of working in an agile / virtual world

Thumbnail Julian Birkinshaw

Every organisation is looking for ways to energise and engage its employees more effectively. In this talk, Julian Birkinshaw will discuss what really makes people tick, and why its harder than ever to keep them motivated in today’s hybrid workplace. He will draw from his research and consulting to talk about how companies around the world are addressing this challenge.

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Interactive discussion with Aisling and Julian

Begin 2021.05.11. H 4:00 pm
End 2021.05.11. H 5:30 pm
Location Online - On Demand
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