Vishen Lakhiani – Founder & CEO, Mindvalley
In this video from Vishen, you will learn more about the following key takeaways:
1. The 4 step formula towards creating an irresistible company culture capable of driving employee engagement, development, and competitive at a higher level.
2. How to manage and create exponential change within your organisation, within in the context of digital automation, AI, robotics and exponential technologies.
3. Open yourself and your employees up to the idea of self-actualization and transformation – especially in areas such as; mind, body and spirit.
Written by: Mihaly Nagy
Culture Employee Engagement Employee Experience Future of Work Leadership
labelVideos today2022.02.01.
Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert Professor of Business, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
labelArticles today2024.06.24.
labelArticles today2024.06.17.
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