Leading@Work – Reimagining Leadership and Coaching for Results

today 2022.03.31.my_locationOnline


The pandemic brought unforeseen disruption at breathtaking speed, taking a toll on the physical and emotional well-being of employees. The stakes are even higher for leaders reexamining strategic direction and vision while managing ambiguity. With employees concerned about an evolving workplace, it is imperative that leaders be better equipped to address real anxieties.

Join The HR Congress Leading@Work forum in collaboration with the International Coaching Federation, where we shall discuss what are the new leadership imperatives to effectively engage, inspire and lead in the new norm and how coaching plays a pivotal role in creating a thriving workplace.

Special guest speaker is the chairman and CEO of WD-40 Company, Garry O’Ridge – the legendary CEO who are driven the organization to achieve over 97% engagement score while growing the business five-fold.


Event Speakers

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Welcome and Opening Remarks

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Session One: Interview: Developing High Performing Leadership, Creating a coaching culture- in conversation with Garry Ridge

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Session Two: Presentation: Coaching for Change– Ricardo Troiano, SYNGENTA

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Session Three: In Conversation with Stephanie Werner-Dietz -Leadership & Coaching in Action, NOKIA's New People Strategy

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Panel Discussion: Leading in the Hybrid Workplace

Thumbnail Stephanie Werner-Dietz

Thumbnail Ricardo Troiano

Thumbnail Renee Robertson PCC, SHRM- SCP

Effective hybrid workplace leadership requires building cohesion among colleagues working together from disparate locations, fending off burnout, being intentional about inclusion, and strengthening shared culture. It is easier said than done, therefore during this insightful panel discussion we shall discuss practical strategies and ideas in order to build a thriving workplace.

Begin 2022.03.31. H 4:00 pm
End 2022.03.31. H 5:30 pm
Location Online
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