
The HR Congress World Summit

today 2021.11.16.my_locationOnline - On Demand


Event Partners

Unleashing the Humane Enterprise

As we inch closer to a post-pandemic world, many business leaders are realizing that the ‘return to normal’ is an unchartered territory where we don’t know what the new normal will actually look like.

Not surprisingly, most companies are experimenting with Hybrid and Remote work models.

As recent research by Accenture confirms, 83% of workers say a hybrid model would be optimal.

Why is a hybrid so appealing? It brings together the best of both worlds. Those who had a hybrid work model during COVID-19 had better mental health, stronger work relationships, and were more likely to feel overall better as a result of working for their organizations. They also experienced less burnout than those who worked entirely onsite or entirely remotely.

However, asking where people should work in the future might be the wrong question.

A better question is: What unleashes a person’s potential, enabling them to be healthy and productive, regardless of where, when and how they work?

How do we need to reimagine work so that it contributes towards achieving organizational goals AND fulfilling people’s potential (not only) at work?

What does it take to Unleash the Humane Enterprise?

To answer these mighty challenges, we created The HR Congress World Summit – this year the 6th Annual edition.

This unique event is connecting likeminded senior people professionals via a finely curated selection of thought leader keynotes and masterclasses, elective track sessions, insightful case presentations and engaging panel discussions so that you and your employees are not only well prepared but more importantly well equipped to deal with today’s challenges and face tomorrow with confidence – bringing you IDEAS with IMPACT.

The HR Congress is structured in a way that enables participants to connect, engage, and get inspired about “Unleashing the Humane Enterprise” – where people not only survive but thrive!

So, I hope you can join us on 16-18 November, yet again to Connect, Engage, and Get Inspired.

Key Speakers

Summit tracks & focus areas

check Culture

check Inclusion

check Transformation

check Wellbeing

check Skill development

check Hiring

check People Experience

check Leadership & Coaching

check People Analytics

check Talent

check Digital Enterprise

check Performance

check Employer Branding

check Rewards

check Hybrid

check Organization Reinvention

The Event will be Online.

Find out more about the agenda on the Official Event Website.

Begin 2021.11.16. H 8:30 am
End 2021.11.18. H 6:30 pm
Location Online - On Demand
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