WATCH ON DEMAND: Next-Gen Talent: Innovations in Workforce Skills Development





Brought to you by Workhuman, this pivotal 90-minute webinar draws upon insights from leading industry practitioners, revealing urgent trends in workforce skills mapping and development as well as talent management. Across the globe, an alarming number of professionals work in roles misaligned with their skills, leading to increased workloads and stifled performance. This phenomenon underscores the necessity for a strategic overhaul in how organizations approach skill gaps within their teams.

“Next-Gen Talent: Innovations in Workforce Skills Development” is meticulously designed to address these challenges, providing a comprehensive roadmap for HR, Talent, and L&D leaders. The webinar format includes an inspiring keynote, in-depth case studies, and an engaging panel discussion with industry leaders, promising a rich blend of insights, real-world applications, and forward-thinking strategies.

The session will explore the journey towards a skills-based organisation, and the opportunities to develop strategies today which will create impact tomorrow. Highlighting skills gaps can help to develop training programs and instil the behaviours needed for the challenges of the future, in line with core values. It’s a building block towards the culture your company wants to create, and the Workhuman x Gallup research has found that recognition combined with culture can be a huge catalyst for change.

Attendees will engage with innovative solutions that balance immediate skill needs against the backdrop of long-term strategic planning. The webinar aims to redefine the ‘skills future,’ advocating for a holistic approach to talent mobility, skills taxonomy, and the intelligent use of AI in crafting a dynamic talent marketplace.

Join us to navigate the complexities of creating a resilient, skilled workforce capable of thriving in an automated and productivity-enhanced future. This session is not just an opportunity to understand the current challenges but a call to action for reimagining the future of work through the lens of skills and talent mobility.

Don’t miss this essential convergence of ideas, research, and visionary thought leadership, designed to empower organizations in their quest for a more human-centric and skills-focused future.


Joseph MoscardiniEnterprise Account Executive, Workhuman
30 minutesKEYNOTE: The Role of Strategic Recognition in the Skills Revolution  
Lynette Silva Heelan – EMEA Consulting Practice Leader, Workhuman
With the rise of the Skills economy we are witnessing a shift in hiring, training and how work gets done. While technical skills have been tracked and managed for many years, human skills are harder to quantify. But they are becoming increasingly important in a world of dispersed workforces and permacrises, and all the human challenges that are associated with these seismic shifts. And that’s before we mention the rise of AI!
But there is a way forward, with platforms that can help to map skills across your organisation and uncover gaps in your teams and opportunities for growth. And these platforms can also create a framework to nurture the skills you need for today and tomorrow.
30 minutesCASE STUDY: Insights from NOKIA, Navigating Skills-Based Transformation in Modern Organizations
David Shontz – Global Head of Workforce Analytics & Insights, NOKIA
Andrea Illes – Global HR Head for CNS P&E, NOKIA
This session provides valuable insights from NOKIA on navigating the complexities of the modern workplace by focusing on a skills-based approach. Learn how leveraging data analytics and fostering a culture of continuous learning, a key driver of success in today’s dynamic business environment, can help your organization become more flexible, innovative, and resilient.
25 minutesPanel Discussion: Cultivating a Culture of Recognition and Continuous Learning
Joseph Moscardini
– Enterprise Account Executive, Workhuman

David Burke
– Senior Director, Global Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding, Workhuman
Jasmine Keel – Global Head of Learning And Leadership Development – Sonova Group
Ingo Dellmann – Head of L&D EMEA – Olympus

This panel will delve into the symbiotic relationship between employee recognition and a culture of continuous learning. Discover how acknowledging achievements can motivate individuals to pursue further skill development, and how this culture of appreciation contributes to a positive work environment and drives organizational growth.

Written by: Mihaly Nagy

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